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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Receive Life!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10: 10

As you are reading this post, understand that there are two dimensions to life. It's either you are living or you are existing. Before Christ came, people were existing. They did not have life in them. By life I mean the active presence of God within a person. That presence is what makes you or me a Christian.

Let me try to put it this way, its always been said that rolling stones gather no moss. This means when a stone is in motion, it doesn't gather moss, even if the moss desired to latch itself onto the rock. However, when a stone is in situ, all sorts of dirt gathers around, moss soon covers it. If you are existing, you are like the stone which is in situ, always in one place, therefore demons come into your life, bringing with them various negative issues like setback and limitations. This is because there is no resistance.

But if you are living [made alive by the Spirit of Christ], nothing can make sport of your life. You are constantly in motion, alive, full of power. Someone might say, "But I'm alive, look I'm married and I have children, surely I'm living!" 

Listen, there are laws that apply universally, such laws apply to everything wether it is living or existing. Some such laws include the law of gravity, if a man is thrown out of a plane he will fall straight down. If you do the same to a stone it will also fall down. The law of multiplication also applies to both existing and living things. There is a process called weathering, which enables stones and rocks to multiply, but you need to understand, just because there is multiplication doesn't mean there is life!

The Bible says it this way, "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth". When life comes into you, your Spirit is activated such that you are ready for anything that comes your way. 

Having houses does not guarantee life, nor does owning cars and money. You might follow the trendiest fashion or have the latest technology, but that doesn't give you life. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 

It's not about possessing physical items, but about receiving an anointing within you. 

How do you receive this life? By receiving Christ into your heart, to be your Lord and Saviour, and to pursue a continuos relationship with him.


Lord Jesus, come into my life, I want to receive life into my spirit. I no longer want to function alone. I believe, therefore I speak that you are the Son of God, just as the prophet Jonah was in the belly of the fish, you died and rose on the third day. I accept life into my spirit, soul and body. Amen.


My life will never be the same again, for I have received the life of Jesus into my spirit, soul and body. I am no longer cold or lukewarm, but I am hot through the Spirit of God. I am alive to succeed in the name of Jesus!

Further Reading

John 7:38, revelations 3:20, John 3:16

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